hari libur, memiliki lagu-nye sendiri-sendiri. begitu juga dengan nud yang dicetuskan oleh jimmy kimmell
to all the friends i’ve un’ed before
who sent me quizzes about jersey shore
you made my life a hell
with your stupid LOL
to all the friends i’ve un’ed before
to all the guys from grammar school
posting shirtless pictures by their pool
your fat and sweaty back
really makes me want to yak
to all the friends i’ve un’ed before
our time on earth goes by so quickly
we have to make each moment great
so i cannto waste one more minute
reading your dumb status update
to neil greenberg and beth chappelle
to david ross and megan bell
we won’t miss your favourite tree
or your vegan chicken recipe
to all the friends i’ve un’ed before
brad paisley & darius rucker
to all the friends i’ve un’ed before
NUD soundtrack
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